Platonova Olga - ART MOST STORE

Platonova Olga

Olga Platonova – since 2010 lives in Cannes, France.

"I am a foreign language teacher by training.
My love for painting began in childhood, in an Fine Arts club.
My second intersection with painting occurred in 2015 in Monaco at a master class by the famous Monaco artist one tears.
Here, in one second, my childhood spark was rekindled and I began to draw for myself.
Once, a close friend of mine from London asked if I could paint him a custom painting for his office. This became the starting point.
I started receiving very nice feedback from respected established artists (mostly from the music industry). My friends started asking me to paint custom paintings, everyone was delighted. This gave me courage and faith in my abilities.
So I started actively painting.
My paintings are exhibited in 4 prestigious galleries from different countries. In 2024 there will be an exhibition of my work in Cannes."