Vitalia Shkurpelo


2022 - Exhibition "Oceania", Cyprus Academy of Arts, Cyprus

"My name is Vitaliia and I am 25 years old.
In 2022 I entered Cyprus Academy of Arts University. A partner Institution of UCA/The University for the Creative Arts, UK.

When I paint a picture, I imagine that this is a frame from a movie or a piece of a book, I like the feeling that I am creating a new universe in which an elephant runs away from the circus on pink cotton candy, a world in which the clouds shine blue, and instead of the sun, the distant moon always shines."

About the project

In this project, I wanted to talk about migration, finding a home, and how important it is for people to find their place in the world- blend in with local scenes, enjoy a good cup of coffee, and make friends. But then, unexpectedly, a war happened, and I realized my home, a country that had been a safe haven in this crazy world, was broken and emotionally destroyed.