Boris Kogan

Boris Kogan (born 1986) is an artist who explores the emotional and psychological aspect of the landscape genre.

He graduated from the State Academy of Art and Industry (2022).

Since childhood he found inspiration in the works of teachers at a distance of time - Serov, Vrubel, Benois, Borisov-Muratov. Especially close were the artists of the association “World of Art”. In them he saw the freedom of thinking, the possibility of expressing the very personality of the
of the creator.
At the beginning of his career, in the style of the artist dominated realism. Then there were long years of creative search in the status of self-taught. Later, having studied at the academy, Boris delved into more complex images, began to combine techniques, coming to his own style, which he continues to improve today.
His paintings have a dualism, which on the one hand is expressed in a reverential attitude to the heritage of traditional art, tonal and color relations, precision in drawing, and on the other hand in an interest in modern, sometimes avant-garde art, with its characteristic tendency to bold experiments with form, color and light.
With his individual technique and formed style, the artist attaches great importance to the integrity and depth of the image, color harmony, thus exposing the mood and subtle nature.