Novoselov Aleksandr - ART MOST STORE

Novoselov Aleksandr

Novoselov Alexander was born in Leningrad in 1980
Alexander has graduated N.K. Rerich Art School in the ear 2000 In 2001 the artist has entered the Academy of Arts of I.E. Repin and, in addition to that, has been studying in a Monumental Artistry Workshop under the direction of professor A.A. Milnikov. In the year 2007 Alexander has graduated the Academy of Arts of I.E. Repin with distinction.
Nowadays Alexander is a teacher at an Academy of Realistic Arts in Stockholm.
The works of the artist are not only exhibited at a Scientific-Research Museum of Russian Academy of Arts, but also are a part of numerous private collections in such countries as Russia, USA, Monaco, Finland, France and Sweden.

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