Shlyakhovaya Nataliya

Natalia Shlyakhovaya (born in 1984, Novorossiysk) - has been painting for over 10 years.

The first lessons she took from the famous painters in the Krasnodar region, members of LLP "Union of Artists of Russia" Nadezhda Skrynnikova and Vladimir Aksenov. Working independently in the fine arts, the artist continues to maintain close contact with her teachers.

The exhibition in the Krasnodar representative office of the public organization "Russian Fund for Culture" in Krasnodar was the artist's debut.

Natalia's works are at the junction of the ideal and real world. In her works she expresses her admiration of her meetings with the world around her, trying to create works that do not show signs of modern urban civilization, where her own idea of a harmonious life in nature comes to the forefront. The artist's paintings look outward. Her paintings are a wide open world of feelings.

The main genres in the work of Natalia Shlyakhovaya for many years remain still lifes and landscapes, but the artist also pays attention to modern art. The recent ones are filled with lively energy of life and bright feelings of the author. The artist freely and easily finds a pictorial equivalent to each emotion. Natalia's still lifes are characterized by bold visualization of objects. She is equally concerned with both the elements of natural forces and the intimate atmosphere of still life, which is in the artist's living space.

Spectators can see canvases created directly in the workshop in Novorossiysk, painted over the past few years under the impression of traveling to places of her favorite impressionists.

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    Shlyakhovaya Nataliya

    Berth in Croatia

    50 x 60 cm

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    Shlyakhovaya Nataliya


    50 x 60 cm

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    Shlyakhovaya Nataliya

    Still life with marshmallows and peonies

    60 x 80 cm

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    Shlyakhovaya Nataliya


    70 x 50 cm

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