Djénina Hagenburger

Djénina Hagenburger (born in 1974, Paris).

"My first great passion was Flamenco dancing. As a dancer in Raquel Gomez's "Andanzas" company, I adored this world that was very much apart, even against the times, just on the bangs, and which echoed who I am and allowed me to say, with the rigorous, uncompromising beauty of Flamenco, just how much I was there, animated by the deepest feelings.

In 2007, after having stopped dancing, I gave myself over to painting with the same frenzy and the same absoluteness.

Looking back on the early days, I can say that not going to art school gave me so much. By circumventing technical difficulties, I've found particular and singular solutions that belong to me and make my art so original, always ready to make new proposals.

I've also learned to avoid, during the creative process, any judgment that too many references and analyses might induce.

This absence of judgment today allows me, after years of research that I intend to pursue as long as possible, to let the intuitions of the gesture to come come to me, without ever questioning the final success.... I'm well aware that it's by daring, by juxtaposing everything and its opposite, that things reveal themselves after the battle... Then from the ugly the beautiful emerges and the meaning, which until then had been lacking, explodes... The analyses can then be made with the crazy realization that the subconscious is always a good hundred moves ahead of the conscious...

...And that this state of floating ideas that run through me and their concretization at my fingertips, allow me to express the PuNK poetry that drives me."

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    Djénina Hagenburger

    Dull Echoes II

    120 x 60 cm


    average: 9.00

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    Djénina Hagenburger

    Who has never dreamed of (Diptych)

    80 x 120 cm


    average: 8.00

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    Djénina Hagenburger

    One dream can hide another (Triptych)

    80 x 120 cm

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    Djénina Hagenburger

    Memories take a nap (Diptych)

    80 x 120 cm


    average: 9.00

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    Djénina Hagenburger

    Say cheese for the pic (Diptych)

    122 x 193 cm


    average: 9.00

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    Djénina Hagenburger

    Beyond flowers and moss (Diptych)

    122 x 148 cm

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    Djénina Hagenburger

    Scissors never come back, she says (Diptych)

    80 x 120 cm


    average: 10.00
