
Berini (born in 1966) – the artist whose paintings are presented in private collections of Holland, Belgium, Finland, America, Laos, China, Spain, Egypt.

He studied at the Pedagogical School at the Art Graphic Department (1981-1985). After graduating this school, he taught at the fine arts school. He was engaged in polygraphy, engraving, made sculptures, and also illustrated books.
Berini is the creator of his own technologies and a unique style of painting «INVASION».
All his paintings are made in the author’s technique. The artist uses oil and acrylic paints, coal, smoke, candles, metal engraving, ceramics, wood, iron, banner, canvas, waxed paper, earth, living plants, tree roots.
Tools are also diverse: mastechins, knives, forks, spoons, stams, chips, everything that can scratch and leave graphic marks. He practices linoctura, etching, imprint, monotypy.
After lots of attempts and mistakes in the artist’s work, a monochrome abstraction appeared in a circle in the center of the canvas. He creates graphics that excite the imagination, the internal content of which makes the viewer a creator. Sacrificing the ideals of beauty, the author achieves powerful expression, clarity of thought and the unique magic of painting. He is interested in the influence of chaos on the psyche,
creativity and subconscious of a man.
Berini thinks the spiritual world is unpredictable, incomprehensible, curve, with errors and without rules.

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