Ogembo Mary - ART MOST STORE

Ogembo Mary

Mary Ogembo is a kenyan born artist who has been working as a full time artist since 1998. She is currently based at the GoDown Arts centre in Nairobi. 2005, she won commonwealth arts and craft award, worked in Ghana as a resident artist for a period of six months at the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology. Her work has been widely recognized by local media in Kenya and other countries including, South African broadcasting cooperation, Featuring Africa Within, CNN Inside Africa 2011 and others.

Collected by: The National Art Gallery of Zimbabwe, The Standard Chartered bank UK and Casoria museum in Italy have collected her work.
Exhibitions: Kenya, France, USA, Egypt, Canada, Finland, Zimbabwe, Ghana, Tanzania, Zambia, India, Germany, Lithuania and Abu Dhabi.