Xenia Plehanova

Des expositions

Personal exhibition:
2024 – Sheva March
2024 – 3.6.9

Group exhibitions:
2023 – Memorial, Siva, Tel Aviv
2023 –“Her name”, Italian Hall of the Academy of Arts
2023-2024 – project Swiva Tel Aviv

Xenia Plehanova lives in Israel. Specializes in academic painting.

Her work, marked by precise composition and harmonious color transitions, explores themes of human identity, the collective female image, self-knowledge, and the perception of solitude. Beyond academia, Ksenia ventures into installation, abstract painting, and graphics, pushing the boundaries of her creative vision. Art therapy plays an important role in her career, unveiling new facets of her personality and providing insight into the inner worlds of others. Through this shared exploration, Xenia transcends the canvas, forging a profound connection between her art and the human experience