Kuznecov Sergey

Récompenses et réalisations

- Award to them. I.E. Repin in the field of contemporary fine arts (2013)

- Award to them. I.E. Repin in the field of contemporary fine arts (2013)

Des expositions

2010 - IV Festival Giovane Cultura Russa nelle Marche (IV Festival of Young Russian Culture in the Marche Region (Italy. Loreto. Castelfidardo. Campocavalo di Osimo. Numana)
2008 - "IV Edition du festival du jeune art Russie-France" (IV youth festival of arts of Russia and France (France. Cannes) exhibition "Les arabesques de la cote d`azur 2008" ("Arabesques of the Côte d'Azur-2008") (France. Cannes) )
2008 - Interregional art exhibition "Youth of Russia" (Saratov)

Sergey Kuznetsov (born in 1987, Samara) is a member of the Union of Artists of Russia, a member of the Creative Union of Artists, Laureate of the Prize. I.E. Repina.
He has a higher art education.
Works in the genres of symbolism, portrait, allegory, genre painting, nude, historical painting.
Participant of city, regional, interregional, all-Russian, international projects.