Burliuk David

David Burliuk (1882-1967) - poet, artist, one of the founders of Russian futurism, theorist and promoter of new art.

While studying at the gymnasium, he met the artist Konstantinov and soon decided to become a professional artist. In 1902, after an unsuccessful attempt to enter the Academy of Arts, he left for Munich. He is engaged in the Royal Academy of Munich in the Cormon studio in Paris, at the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. Since 1908 he has been actively involved in modern artistic life and soon becomes one of the leaders of the literary and artistic avant-garde. Participates in most of the first exhibitions of "new art" ("Link", "Wreath-Stefanos" and "Jack of Diamonds"). Acquainted in 1911 with V. Mayakovsky and B. Lifshitz, David Burliuk created a new literary association - "Gilea". Possessing rare organizational skills, David Burliuk quickly accumulates the main forces of futurism. With his direct participation, poetry collections are published, brochures are published, exhibitions are organized and disputes are arranged. For his contemporaries, the name of David Burliuk is beginning to be associated with the most radical performances of the futurists. In 1913-1914 he organized the famous futurist tour of the cities of Russia, gave lectures, readings of poetry and proclamations. As an author and illustrator, he takes part in the publication of futuristic books, in 1914 - editor of the First Futuristic Magazine. In 1918 he became one of the publishers of the "Newspaper of the Futurists". Member of many literary and artistic associations ("Blue Horseman", "Youth Union", "Gilea", "Jack of Diamonds", "Fine Arts Society"). In 1920 he emigrates to Japan. Two years later, he moved to the United States, where, together with his wife, he organized a publishing house, under the brand name of which he published prose, poetry, journalism and memoirs. In the 1920s he worked for the newspaper "Russian Voice", is a member of the literary group "Hammer and Sickle". In 1930 he published the theoretical work "Entelekhizm", in the same year he began to publish the magazine "Color and Rhyme". Annually participates in exhibitions, is engaged in photography. In the 1950s, he opened his own gallery in Hampton Base (Long Island). He died in 1967 in Long Island (USA).

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    Burliuk David

    Landscape with self-portrait and female heads

    25 x 30 cm

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