Bulatov Erik
Erik Bulatov (born 1933) is a Soviet and Russian artist. Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Arts (2008). Corresponding member of the Saxon Academy of Arts (1997).
In 1958 he graduated from the V. I. Surikov Art Institute. Since 1959, he worked in the children's publishing house "Detgiz" together with I. I. Kabakov and O. V. Vasiliev. Exhibition activity began in 1957 in Moscow and continued - since 1973 - already abroad.
Bulatov's works are regularly exhibited at contemporary art auctions. So, at the Philips auction, the work “Soviet Space” went for about $ 1.6 million, two more canvases on the Soviet theme, including “Revolution - Perestroika”, were sold for a million dollars each, which made Bulatov one of the most expensive contemporary Russian artists.